Sunday 6 January 2013

Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise playing a character that is written as 6' 5"... what could go wrong?

                                                                   Jack Reacher - all 250 lbs worth?

DIRECTOR: Christopher McQuarrie

CAST: The third gayest vampire in cinema, cleavage, John McClane's son, black King Henry VI, John C. Reilly's dad, Werner fucking Herzog (I've got nothing)...

PLOT: Some nutcase goes on a seemingly random killing spree with a sniper (arguably not the best time to feature something like that in a film after last year). Man the fuck up anyway, just as Jack Reacher does. He comes to investigate why an old army acquaintance would do such a thing, and in the process uncovers something much more sinister.

I don't like 'Top Gun'. I don't like 'War of the Worlds'. I don't like 'Rock of Ages'. I fucking hate 'Interview with the Vampire'. In short, despite always respecting him for his enthusiasm, especially when it comes to stunts - I didn't like Tom Cruise as an actor.
But I'm willing to admit when I've been a prejudgemental twat. I was wrong, this man can act. Still not my favourite actor, but thanks to his performances in 'Collateral', 'Valkyrie', 'Tropic Thunder' and now this, 'Jack Reacher', I admire his acting talent. I'm a stubborn bastard, so kudos, Mr. Cruise. You'll never win an Oscar, but my blessing is far more valuable.

So, despite my jokes aimed at Tom Cruises' stature, you may think that I'm a fan of the 16 'Reacher' novels and that I'm disgusted by his casting. Well I've never read any of the books (although, I do now mean to seek them out) so I've no issue with Cruise playing the eponymous anti-hero; and his class when it comes down to handling action sequences speaks for itself. Pretty good for a 50 year old man.

Plus, any film title that is simply the name of the protagonist rests heavily on the lead actor's shoulders. Cruise not only holds it, he carries it to the finish line with ease.

This question is to those that have already seen the film - do you want to be 'Jack Reacher'? If you're answer is 'no' then you're a pussy, liar or both. You're a pussy-liar.

Because 'Reacher' is one of the coolest characters unleashed on the screen. He's effortlessly charismatic, uncontrollably handsome, annoyingly intelligent and surprisingly funny. Plus, he can kick sixteen shades of shit out of you. All of the fight scenes are realistic, but they're performed by a man who has been trained to not only hurt, but to kill - so you never know what might happen in a game of fisticuffs. He even goes as far as beating a criminal with another criminal. Yet, it's still realistic. 

This is down to McQuarrie's shooting style, which is strong and assured. He doesn't go all Greengrass on you, but the pacing of the action and the timing of the cuts will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Also, get ready to witness one of the best car chase scenes in recent memory. It is shot with such confidence and skill, you will be fooled to think that throughout the entire sunday drive that the actors are always behind the wheel. But with Cruise on set, you never really know. The sequence is also boosted because of the inspired choice not to include music for the scene. You just hear the heavy sound of Cruises' illegally obtained muscle-car engine, the burning of rubber and the determined faces of all of the characters involved will have you believing that you're sat in the passenger seats along for the ride.

McQuarrie has been given a gift of an adaptation though, that's for sure. Some may argue that it would have been more difficult to screw the film up. The original material involves such an interesting character with morally ambiguous intentions (as far as authority sees it, anyway) where he'd sooner kill criminals then hand them into the police, a fantastic storyline that won't necessarily keep you guessing to the end but will keep you engaged and snappy dialogue that rattles around the cast brilliantly (cashier regarding ID - "Well I need to see something"; 'Reacher' - "How about the inside of an ambulance?").

The majority of the support give strong performances, although Herzog is laughably underused, as he is supposed to be the main antagonist. Instead realtive newcomers Jai Courtney and David Oyelowo (you what?!) impress more so. Look out for Courtney in the next 'Die Hard' instalment, sure to be a reliable leading action hero in the near future.   

Some may think it starts a little slowly, but it soon speeds up. Some of the same may also be expecting a no-holds barred action thrill-ride (they can't be blamed due to the trailer). Instead, which will come as a surprise, we get something more intelligent and grounded with a great detective story. 

This is the first film that I have properly sat down to watch a film all year (I blame 'Homeland' series 2 and university work). They say start the year as you mean to go on, so if films that I view for the first time this year continue in a similar fashion, I will certainly have no arguments.    

The books keep being churned out by Lee Child only to be greeted by success. The film has already made double back from what it cost. Cruise and McQuarrie have spoken about the possibilities of a sequel. I cannot wait to see where the inevitable film series will take us.

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